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Monday, August 16, 2010

true meaning.

i was feeling recently that i want to make a change here.
up until now, i've been using this as a venue to store all of the imagery and thoughts that come flying by, but due to constraints or situational issues it's become more images than the thoughts that should accompany them.  i want to change that.  life's funny that way; at different moments, particularities become more apparent or strangely rise to the surface adding a new clarity to otherwise cloudy existence.  i've come to really appreciate the virtue of restraint.  in all aspects.  some might argue that the word restraint holds a negative or barrier-like connotation, but i actually feel that with restraint comes an implied patience and with that, balance and the space behind the word which allows us reassess.  rethink.  revisualize.  reconceptualize. 
it's also been hitting me hard lately how much closer we should think of ourselves as important parts of the critical and evolving world.  not merely to come to grips with the detriment we're causing ourselves and our successors through our current policies of selfish misuse and shortsightedness, but also to try to somehow give more meaning to our short and fragile existence here.  of anything that we could ever do, or learn to do in that short time, it should largely be angled towards understanding how we can preserve our existence because with out it, well...nothing (read-absolutely nothing) will matter.  not money, not oil, not governments, not policies, not physical strength, not beauty, and sadly not even friends and family, not you or me will matter unless WE can fundamentally change ourselves and the way we look on ourselves and one another.  restraint, patience, balance.  discipline, intelligence, senses and emotion, true meaning. 
to make a long story short (if that's possible now), i'm valuing meaning in a larger sense, not merely visual.
i'm going to try to get visceral thoughts down in a more regular way.

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